
Macloggerdx setup
Macloggerdx setup


You could open the same database from two different machines but the results may be unpredictable if they both try to write to the same record at the same time. > I presume that even with some care this can be done using SQLite interface. The MacLoggerDX SQLite database is designed as a single client system and only implements locking amongst it's own threads. Obviously it would be nice to access the same database file simultaneously from two different applications. Is the database opened (via SQLite) only at the time that a record is to be read or written or is it held open during the time that MacLoggerDX is running. > And, what type of access control and locking occurs with the logging database. This takes care of the initial set up for both programs. Check the boxes for Connect to MacLogger, Capture Radio Report and Capture Lookup. On the left click Logging and then click MacLogger. No even if you could run 2 instances they would both share the same set of Prefs and get confused. Open FLdigi and click on Configure in the menu and then click on Config Dialog.


Could I use TWO instances of MacLoggerDX: one hooked to my Pro III and the other hooked to my K3? > And, what if I wanted both connected at the same time.

macloggerdx setup

Then just switch between them with the same popup. There is a popup in the Radio Prefs for up to 8 Radios.

macloggerdx setup

> MacLoggerDX does not have to be accessed to both rigs at the same time but I am wondering if there are any stumbling blocks. > And, here is yet another question? Has anyone plugged two rigs simultaneously to be used by MacLoggerDX.


You won't be able to do configuration and setup if that is a windows program but MacLoggerDX should be able to communicate through the same USB/Cable that you use on windows provided that you load a Mac OS X driver for it. I currently use the CI-V interface of my Icom Pro III with MacLoggerDX.

macloggerdx setup

> So, what do I need (or, do I have it now?) to interface the K3 to MacLoggerDX. I currently have the Elecraft Serial-to-USB interface cable but I have only used that with my Windows laptop in setting up and doing the configuration and calibration steps of the K3. > I am a new owner of Elecraft K3 but I have not yet set it up to interface to my mac and MacLoggerDX.

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  • Elecraft K3 and MacLoggerDX Don Agro dagro at

    Macloggerdx setup